Beersheba Moravian Church Ministries

  • Circuit Prayer & Fasting- held every month at a different congregation in the circuit, where we come together to pray.
  • Youth Talk- An initiative taken to engage our youngsters in one and one conversation to provide an opportunity to be more involved in their lives.
  • Movie & Discussion- Held on a quarterly basis where we watch a Christian movie and speak about the ways it ministered to us. 
  • Community Worship Service- Different communities surrounding the church are visited to conduct Sunday Worship Service.
  • Love Ministry continues as we help those in need in the community. We provide food items and contribute money to persons starting small projects. 
  • Shut-in Visitation- The sick in the community are visited and devotion and prayers conducted monthly.
  • Youth Fellowship- A safe place where our youngsters can fellowship together every Saturday.
  • Bible Study- Regular Bible Study is held every Wednesday.